Loosing Tails

Baby raccoons are unbearably cute. Sadly, they grow up and start to fight.  I’ve seen one or possibly two raccoons whom I named “Stu,” for its short stubby tail.  At first I thought it must be a birth defect, but apparently they lose their tails in fights with other raccoons.  In the following videos we see… Continue reading Loosing Tails

Licking Ice

It’s been cold, so the water I put in a dish by the fence has mostly frozen.  We’ll call the raccoon in this video Target, because of the nicely even rings at the end of its tail, but I’m not positive this is the only raccoon with that design on its tail.  Anyway, Target starts… Continue reading Licking Ice

Under and Over

This black and white cat went under the fence into our yard . . . . . . and, two minutes later, over the fence from our neighbor’s yard back into the field.

Deer at Fence

With the raccoons staying in their dens because of the snow, our next sighting is a deer on the other side of the fence.

Indecisive Cal

Cal climbs the tree from the field, then hesitates at the top of the fence. Like the raccoons, he probably wanted to use the tires leaning against the fence to help on the way down. Snow covering everything apparently made him re-think his destination. After surveying his options, Cal returns to the field.

Widey Late Arrival

Widey crosses the fence from the field in daylight and joins maybe two raccoons under the shed. Coming from a different colony, Widey seems less concerned about traveling without the cover of darkness.